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Out To Lunch Bunch is Going to Fibber Magees


Restaurant logoLakes residents and their guests are invited to join the Out To Lunch Bunch on Wednesday, March 12 at Fibber Magees in Chandler. The Bunch goes to Fibber Magees, the only truly authentic Irish owned and operated restaurant and pub in the East Valley, nearly every year at an appropriate date. The full menu may be viewed at Details on the Clubs page.

Concert in the Park

Weather's looking gooood

Walt Richardson performingThe Activities Committee is hosting a free concert in the park on Sunday, March 16 from 4 to 6:30 PM featuring Walt Richardson. Walt is a popular local musician and has performed frequently at Pier 54, Spokes, Tempe Center for the Arts, and other locations around the Valley.

Tables and chairs will be set up in the park, but food's up to you. Aloha Yogurt will be set up in the parking lot for sweet, delicious treats for sale. It's a BYOB event so, bring your own beverages and baskets of goodies, meet up with friends and neighbors, dance to the music, and enjoy the afternoon in the park.