LCA President's Report

The last couple of months had multiple events for the neighborhood with the lighted boat parade, light up the lakes contest, and polar plunge just to name a few. After over 4 years living in the Lakes, I am still in awe with how much fun we always have within the community. I want to give a huge thanks to everyone involved in setting up and participating in these stellar events. I really enjoyed seeing the festive streets light up this past holiday season.

Water under the bridge! Fingers crossed, if the last bit of work is completed without issue, we will have the rapids pumps turned back on by the end of January. We encountered several hurdles getting this project completed, but earlier this month the City did provide final acceptance for the structural and electrical repairs for the pump house project. SRP energized the new electrical service providing power back to the pumps on 1/17/25. The last bit of work to complete is for Pump Man to reinstall the re-built pumps and that should be completed by next week.

Please mark your calendars for February 11, 2025 at 8pm for the LCA Annual Homeowner’s meeting. January is my last full month as the LCA board president. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the community for your support over the last year. I have been truly humbled by this experience, the wisdom of those around me, and the deep-seeded love within this community. We love where we live and every single one of us has played a part in keeping this neighborhood thriving and sought after.

All the above being said, and as I step down from the board of directors, it is my hope to stay involved in this community. I plan to stay here for many years to come, watching my children play and laugh in the street with continued new friendships our family has gained over the years. As cliché as it sounds, I have personally found the “it takes a village” mentality not only exists, but thrives in our community, and for that I am forever thankful. I would like to sign off with this. Always remember the Golden Rule and treat others as you would like to be treated.

Cheers and thank you all again for your continued support, patience, and understanding. It has been a pleasure working with and getting to know all of you.

Mike Sotak, President

LCA President's Report

Mike Sotak

February 2025