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If you have any questions about these documents or you have any problem downloading, call the LCA office at 480-838-1023.

LCA Office Documents

Architectural Rules and Applications

Any information on an Architectural Application that is false, misleading, or incomplete may cause the approval to be withdrawn even after the project has been completed. The cost incurred by the homeowner for re-doing a project if the application is false, misleading, or incomplete will be the responsibility of the homeowner submitting the application.

A completed project that does not match the specifications in the Detailed Project(s) Description will not be approved. If a completed project is Not Approved or is Approved With Conditions, the Homeowner will have an additional 30 days to finish the project according to the Detailed Project(s) Description after which fines may be assessed. A Homeowner may submit a revised application at any time subject to approval by the Committee.

Association Documents

Association Rules and Guidelines

Governing Documents

LCA Board Meeting Minutes